it implies the use of electricity for the purpose of therapeutic effect and is an important form of therapy in the rehabilitation of the patient. It is divided according to the frequency of the current we use. Contraindications for the use of electrotherapy are: implanted pacemaker, pregnancy, acute diseases, inflammatory processes and infectious conditions, and skin changes at the application site.
Full-wave directional pulsating direct current. The action of constant direct current via electrodes relieves pain, improves circulation, increases the conductivity of motor nerves and muscles, and accelerates their regeneration. The application of galvanic currents causes vasodilation (expansion of blood vessels), which causes a more intense flow of blood, which we call hyperemia.
low-frequency, half-wave or full-wave rectified sinusoidal current, frequency 50 to 100 Hz. The main effect is to relieve pain and cause active hyperemia. It is used in the treatment of pain syndromes and extra-articular rheumatism. The most important therapeutic effects of these currents are reduction of pain, reduction of swelling and inflammation, increase of muscle contraction, increase of local circulation, accelerated tissue healing. Indications for the use of this current are: arthrosis and arthritis in the phase of severe pain, cervical and lumbar syndrome, radiculopathy, neuralgia, neuritis, distortions, contusions, subluxations (soft tissue injuries), algodystrophic syndrome-Sudek's syndrome, post-traumatic contractures (joint stiffness), peripheral circulation disorders (obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease).
a method of electroanalgesia where selective stimulation of nerve fibers of type A blocks nerve fibers that transmit pain, type C, and thus by applying electrodes to the site of pain or region, the transmission of pain and transmission to higher levels of the nervous system is blocked. A form of electrotherapy that has achieved successful pain control in patients with various acute and chronic neurological and musculoskeletal diseases. Indications are: postoperative pain, pain of gynecological origin, low back pain, arthrosis/arthritis, unfused fractures, pain of neural origin, circulatory disorders.
Interference currents are currents with the deepest effect and are applied depending on the localization and type of complaints. The result is the crossing of two sinusoidal, alternating, medium-frequency currents that overlap each other in intensity, frequency and phase. This interference occurs in the depth of the tissue and is also called endogenous currents. Interference currents reduce pain, swelling and inflammation in rheumatic and orthopedic diseases of the joints and spine. We use them for chronic pain conditions (lumbago, lumboschialgia), extra-articular rheumatism (myalgia, myositis, epicondylitis), degenerative joint diseases (arthrosis of different localization), neuralgia and neuritis, inflammatory diseases in the healing stage such as rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, for post-traumatic conditions in order to stimulate bone healing and remove circulatory disorders, in the case of blood vessel diseases and circulatory disorders.
Electrostimulation is a type of electrotherapy based on inducing (stimulating) the onset of muscle contraction using electrical impulses. There are several types and ways of applying electrostimulation. It is used after musculoskeletal damage (inactive muscle atrophy, eg immobilization after a bone fracture) or neurological damage (stroke, paresis of the facial nerve, etc.) that caused damage to the motor nerves. It is also used in case of adult hemiplegia due to various causes of cerebrovascular insult, trauma, tumor.