
Magnetotherapy is one of the basic physiotherapeutic procedures. An electromagnetic field is created when a current passes through a conductor or coil. A circular magnetic field is created around the conductor, and inside the coil the magnetic fields add up. Depending on the size of the magnetic field, we can talk about high (˃ 100 V/m) and low intensity (˂ 1 V/m). A high-intensity magnetic field causes thermal and non-thermal effects, while a low-intensity magnetic field causes non-thermal or athermal effects.

The therapeutic effects are: Analgesic effect, antiphlogistic effect - increase in phagocytosis of neutrophils (phagocytosis - introduction of larger particles, e.g. bacteria into a larger cell. Leukocytes use phagocytosis to introduce and disable bacteria that enter our body; neutrophils - a type of leukocyte), antiedematous effect - it results from the two effects described above as well as the acceleration of healing and improved blood circulation; Trophic effect - the magnetic field accelerates the healing of the skeleton and soft tissue. This is achieved by better circulation in the treated area and irritation of the cytoplasmic membranes, which results in the acceleration of the metabolic chain; Myorelaxant and spasmolytic effect – improved circulation in the treated area improves the reabsorption of acidic metabolites that cause painful irritation; Vasodilation effect - this is caused by the outflow of calcium ions, which results in the relaxation of the tone of the muscle walls of blood vessels. It is very likely that the vagus nerve is also affected (an important antagonist of the sympathetic nervous system).